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- L O A D S T A R S H E L L 1 2 8
- by Robert Rockefeller
- The LOADSTAR Shell Utility gives C-128 users the ability to execute
- machine-language programs by typing the name of the program, as well as a
- RAM disk in bank one RAM in which machine-language and BASIC programs can
- be loaded. Included with the shell program are ten useful utility
- programs. Utility programs will execute from the RAM disk very quickly
- indeed.
- The shell program uses memory from address $1300 to address $1b00.
- Since BASIC program storage starts at address $1c00, this means the shell
- is compatible with normal BASIC programs. However, BASIC programs which
- try to load machine-language, or POKE data to memory being used by the
- shell will crash the computer. In our experience the shell is compatible
- with the vast majority of BASIC programs.
- The RAM disk starts at the top of RAM bank 1 at address $ff00, and
- grows downwards from there. Any RAM which is not being used by the RAM disk
- is available to BASIC for storage of strings, variables, and arrays. The
- RAM disk can grow to a maximum size of about 57000 bytes, is protected from
- BASIC and cannot be harmed by BASIC programs, except by programs which POKE
- data to memory being used by the RAM disk. However, BASIC programs of this
- type are very rare.
- All in all the shell program has a very high degree of compatiblity
- with BASIC programs, but will almost certainly crash if used with
- commercial machine-language programs such as wordprocessors, paint
- programs, etc.
- The shell possesses a feature which will allow you to re-start the
- shell after pressing the RESET button. This is useful when you have
- programs in the RAM disk since you won't have to re-load. To restart just
- execute SYS4870 from BASIC, or G 1306 from the monitor. The shell computes
- its own checksum to verify code integrity, then it will compute the RAM
- disk checksums. If the shell checksum is invalid the shell will not
- re-start, and you must RUN"SHELL to re-start. If any of the programs in
- the RAM disk are invalid their names will be listed, and they will be
- marked invalid so they can't be loaded. In addition, you will be given the
- opportunity to clear the RAM disk.
- Shell utility programs can be loaded into the RAM disk with the LD
- utility (see below) then executed by simply typing their names. BASIC
- programs can also be loaded into the RAM disk with LD then RUN by
- specifying a device number of 7. For example, you would type RUN"MAIL
- LIST",U7 then type RETURN to execute the program "MAIL LIST".
- If you wish to write your own machine-language programs for use with
- the shell you must be aware of several things. First of all the program
- filenames must begin with the letters "COM.". This is necessary so the
- shell can distinguish shell programs from other types of files. Second of
- all, the machine-language programs must be assembled to execute at address
- $1c03. Thirdly, shell machine-language programs must terminate with a RTS
- instruction, or by JMPing to address $1303. Last of all, like BASIC
- variables, utility names cannot have a BASIC command embedded in it. For
- example the name "COM.DCLR" would be an invalid name because it has the
- command CLR in it.
- As an example, one of the included shell programs named "COM.DL" will
- list a BASIC program on disk. To execute it you merely need to type the
- utility name without the "COM." prefix, plus the name of one or more files
- you wish to list. For example, to list a BASIC program named "FILECOPY"
- you would type DL "FILECOPY", then type the RETURN key. If you have more
- than one disk drive you can specify a device number by prefixing it to the
- filename. For example, DL "FILECOPY" 9,"RAMDOS" would list "FILECOPY" from
- device 8, and "RAMDOS" from device 9. Filenames need not be enclosed in
- quotes except when they contain a BASIC command. For example, "FILECOPY"
- would need to be enclosed in quotes since it contains the BASIC command
- COPY. "RAMDOS" would not necessarily need to be in quotes since it
- contains no BASIC command. However, as a general rule we recommend that
- filenames be enclosed in quotes.
- The ten included utility programs are explained below.
- TYPE displays disk text files on the screen. Either normal or screen
- code files can be displayed. Screen code files can be specified by using
- the +S switch. PET ASCII files are the default type, but can be specified
- using the -S switch. Examples:
- TYPE +S 9,"CODES" -S "TEXT1"
- This would display a screen code file "CODES" from device 9, then a PET
- ASCII file "TEXT1" from device 8.
- This would display a PET ASCII file "LETTER" from device 8.
- DUMP displays disk files on the screen in both hexadecimal and text
- format. Either normal or screen code files can be displayed. Screen code
- files can be specified by using the +S switch. PET ASCII files are the
- default type, but can be specified by using the -S switch. Examples:
- DUMP +S 9,"CODES" -S "TEXT1"
- This would display a screen code file "CODES" from device 9, then a PET
- ASCII file "TEXT1" from device 8.
- This would display a PET ASCII file "LETTER" from device 8.
- "COM.DL"
- DL displays BASIC programs from disk on the screen. Example:
- This would display a BASIC program "DATABASE" from device 9, then the file
- "SUBS" from device 8.
- VAR displays all defined variables and their values. This is mostly
- useful during BASIC programming. Example: VAR
- ARY can do two things. ARY alone or ARY LIST lists the names and sizes
- of all arrays. ARY followed by an array name will display the array on the
- screen. This is mostly useful during BASIC programming. Examples:
- This would display the names and sizes of all arrays.
- This would display the floating point array B.
- This would display the string array CE$
- "COM.LD"
- LD is provided to load files into the bank 1 RAM disk. Simply follow
- the LD command with the names of files you wish loaded. See "COM.SUBMIT"
- also. An alternative form LD CLR removes the RAM disk from memory.
- Examples:
- Load "COM.DIR" into the RAM disk
- Load "COM.TYPE", "COM.DUMP", and "COM.DL" into the RAM disk
- DIR is provided to display a directory of the files stored in the RAM
- disk. Example:
- Displays RAM disk directory.
- COM is provided to specify the search order for COM files. The shell
- always checks the RAM disk first. Normally device 8 is then searched.
- However up to three disk devices can be specified to be searched in any
- order. Examples:
- COM 9 8
- Specify that device 9 be searched after the RAM disk, then device 8.
- COM 8 9 10
- Specify that device 8 be searched after the RAM disk, then device 9, then
- device 10.
- COM 8
- Specify that device 8 only be searched after the RAM disk.
- SUBMIT is possibly the most versatile and useful command of all. It
- allows you to execute lists of commands stored on disk just as if they had
- been typed at the keyboard. Literally any command that you can type in can
- be executed from a disk file. SUBMIT is useful when you find yourself
- entering the same sequence of commands over and over. You can enter these
- commands into a disk file and type one command to execute the disk file.
- For example, if you fiad yourself regularly using LD to load several
- utilities into the RAM disk, ysu can save typing by putting the LD command
- in a SUBMIT file. If each line in a SUBMIT file begins with a line number,
- the lines will be merged into the BASIC program text.
- SUBMIT works almost exactly like "SUBMIT.COM" does under CP/M for
- those familiar with CP/M. SUBMIT files must have a "SUB." prefix.
- "SUB.LDALL" is an example of a SUBMIT filename. Follow the SUBMIT command
- with the name of the file you wish to execute. For example, SUBMIT "LDALL"
- would execute the file "SUB.LDALL".
- You can pass parameters to SUBMIT files when they are executed. Each
- parameter is scanned and a textual substitution takes place. $1 is
- replaced by the first parameter, $2 is replaced by the second parameter,
- etc. Up to 9 parameters may be passed to a SUBMIT file. For example if a
- SUBMIT file "SUB.REN" contained the following lines:
- RENAME "BIN.$1" TO "COM.$1"
- and you entered the following command,
- the word ARY would be substituted in every case for $1 producing:
- This is an example of a SUBMIT file that was actually used by the author in
- the preparation of these utilities.
- If you pass more parameters than called for in the SUBMIT file, the
- extra parameters are ignored. If you pass fewer parameters than called for
- in a SUBMIT file, some parameters will be replaced by the null string. For
- example, if we have a SUBMIT file "SUB.AS" containing ASM $1 $2 $3, and we
- execute SUBMIT AS DEBUG, this would expand into ASM DEBUG. The $2 and $3
- are replaced with literally nothing. To include an actual dollar sign $ in
- a SUBMIT file just precede it with another dollar sign. For example, $$ in
- a SUBMIT file would be expanded into simply $ when the file is executed.
- SUBMIT files can be created in three ways. If you wish to create a
- SUBMIT file consisting of a BASIC subroutine that can be merged, just DOPEN
- a file to disk, use CMD to set output to the file, then LIST the subroutine
- to disk, use PRINT# to clear the output channel, then CLOSE the file. To
- create a SUBMIT file of commands, just DOPEN a file to disk, PRINT# the
- commands to the disk file, then CLOSE the file. Alternately, you can
- create SUBMIT files with "COM.EDT", the full-screen programmer's text
- editor that's on this side of LOADSTAR.
- "COM.PC"
- This utility is a simple programmer's calculator with 28 functions,
- three memories, and which can display in four radices, decimal,
- hexadecimal, binary, and character. The calculator is an RPN (Reverse
- Polish Notation) stack-oriented calculator as opposed to the more common
- algebraic calculators. You enter numbers onto a stack, then perform
- operations on the stack. You enter a number by typing it then typing the
- RETURN or ENTER keys. For example, typing 5.543 RETURN would place 5.543
- on the stack. A number is also automatically entered when you type an
- operation key like * (multiplication). For example, here's how to multiply
- 5 times 3. type:
- 5 RETURN 3 *
- Note that the * operator is entered after the numbers it operates on.
- This notation was invented by a Polish mathematician and is known as
- Reverse Polish Notation. The two top stack positions are special since all
- arithmetic and logical operations are performed on one or both of these
- entries. The top entry is known as the X register, and the second entry is
- the Y register, hereafter referred to simply as X and Y.
- When you are entering a number a solid cursor is displayed on the top
- stack entry, indicating input mode. During input mode you can type DEL to
- delete the last character entered. Typing RETURN terminates input mode and
- puts the number entered on the stack. Typing DEL when no cursor is
- displayed deletes the top stack entry. Typing RETURN when no cursor is
- displayed duplicates the top entry. You can type the CLR key to clear the
- stack and memories.
- If an error occurs during an operation, such as OVERFLOW, DIVISION BY
- ZERO, etc., the error message will be displayed at the bottom of the
- calculator, and you must type the ESC key to clear the error message. The
- functions are listed below. In order to perform a function you must type a
- SHIFT key and the indicated key simultaneously. For example, to set
- hexadecimal radix mode type a SHIFT key and the H key simultaneously.
- Setting CAPS LOCK is useful in all modes except character radix mode.
- Exit the calculator. Return to BASIC.
- D Set decimal radix. During number entry you can enter the keys 0..9, the
- Decimal point ., and e or E to indicate exponentiation. After entering e
- or E you may type the - sign to indicate a negative exponent. Except for
- this one special case, typing - computes Y - X.
- H Set hexadecimal radix. You can enter the keys 0..9 and a..f.
- B Set binary radix. You can enter the keys 0 or 1 only.
- C Set character radix. You can enter any character as a number. In order
- to execute a function you must type the ESC key first. For example to
- switch to hexadecimal radix type the ESC key and release it, then type a
- SHIFT key and the H key simultaneously.
- P Pick operation. Copy a number to the top of the stack. The stack
- entries are numbered from 0 (the top) to 7 (the bottom). After typing P
- type a digit corresponding to the entry you wish to copy.
- R Roll operation. Move a number to the top of the stack. The stack
- entries are numbered from 0 (the top) to 7 (the bottom). After typing R
- type a digit corresponding to the entry you wish to move.
- W Swap operation. Swap the contents of X and Y.
- F Fetch. Copy a memory register to the top of the stack. After typing F
- type a digit 0, 1, or 2 corresponding to the memory register you wish to
- fetch.
- U Put. Copy X to a memory register. After typing U type a digit 0, 1, or
- 2 corresponding to the memory register you wish to store X to.
- I Int. Remove the fractional part of X.
- G Negate. Change the sign of X.
- A Compute the absolute value of X.
- L Compute the natural logarithm of X.
- Q Compute the square root of X.
- X Compute the value of e^X, where e=2.71828183.
- O Compute the cosine of X.
- S Compute the sine of X.
- N Compute the tangent of X.
- T Compute the arctangent of X.
- + Compute Y + X.
- - Compute Y - X.
- * Compute Y * X.
- / Compute Y / X.
- M Modulus. Compute the remainder of Y / X.
- ^ Compute Y to the power of X.
- & Compute Y AND X.
- ! Compute Y EXCLUSIVE-OR X.
- {SHIFT--} Compute Y OR X.
- RR
- **** End of Text ****